
InGit,filteringbyauthornameiseasy.Mostpeoplesimplyusethenameofthecommitterthattheyareinterestedin.However,it'salittlemorepowerful.,YoucanattributeacommittomorethanoneauthorbyaddingoneormoreCo-authored-bytrailerstothecommit'smessage.Co-authoredcommitsarevisibleon ...,Iwanttosearchthelogfortwoauthors,thecommandislikegitlog--author=Andrew-|Stephen.Butitdoesnotgiveanyoutput.,Withmorethanone--autho...

Filtering by Author Name

In Git, filtering by author name is easy. Most people simply use the name of the committer that they are interested in. However, it's a little more powerful.

Creating a commit with multiple authors

You can attribute a commit to more than one author by adding one or more Co-authored-by trailers to the commit's message. Co-authored commits are visible on ...


I want to search the log for two authors, the command is like git log --author=Andrew-|Stephen . But it does not give any output.

git-log Documentation

With more than one --author=<pattern> , commits whose author matches any of the given patterns are chosen (similarly for multiple --committer=<pattern> ). -- ... 2.0.5 12/17/14 · 2.1.4 12/17/14 · 2.11.4 09/22/17 · 2.14.6 12

How to filter Git commit logs by author

To filter the commit log by author, you can use the --author option with the git log command. This option allows you to specify the author's name or email ...

How to get commits by multiple authors? - git

Pass the --author twice: git log -i <branch_1>..<branch_2> --author=john --author=mike. Or, since --author accepts regex, you can do:

GIT: filter log by group of authors

This should show commits with author names that do not contain John Paul or Ringo. Requires git to be built with PCRE.


Enter Search View with CTRL + 3 ; · Choose Authors as search criteria; · Type the name of the author (e.g. Smith) in the bar.

Advanced Git Log

By default, git shortlog sorts the output by author name, but you can also pass the -n option to sort by the number of commits per author. Graphs. The --graph ...

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